BookProfitz By Yves Kouyo

BookProfitz By Yves Kouyo

hey welcome to this video arrived here you’re partnering for review book profits I’ll go over how it works and be my two cents whether I think it’s a good use of your time and if you’d like my free training and the number one simplest fastest way to earn a full-time income from home you can click the link below you’ll see my email opt-in page enter your best email I can send you my free training if you want book profits let’s dive in so what this is It’s a program that’s going to teach you how to do a book Arbitrage on Amazon um you know I’m sure you’re all familiar with Amazon um and so you’d be selling buying low and selling the books for a higher price and you’d earn whatever the difference is that’s your profit and he gives an example in his webinar where he uh he buys a science textbook for 11.50 to 11.52 cents sells it for 174 dollars and then after Amazon fees the profit is around 130 dollars so now how would you find these books well you’d use their custom software you’ll punch in you know different variables like the maximum price you’re going to spend the minimum that it’s expected to sell for how quickly copies of the book are selling I’ve sold recently and then the software would churn out pages and pages of books that you can just go and grab and sell now a lot of the results are textbooks you’ll find which makes sense like science textbooks kind of like these um and uh because you know textbooks there are textbooks that are quite expensive compared to regular old books which I don’t think people really read regular books anymore um now um and not all of them are textbooks though you won’t be married to any one type of book or any one Niche it’s more about profit margins that’s what you care about and uh you can sell multiple copies of the same book he he goes through that on his webinar as well um like he found 19 copies of this particular science book that was where he thought the profit margins made sense where he would buy and sell it and um so you get the software that’s a big part of this program you also get training videos access to the private Community or you can bounce ideas off other students and coaching calls and the main method he teaches um is what I just mentioned finding books on Amazon that other people are selling not by manually searching but using the software and and these books aren’t selling on Prime the ones you’re buying and then you’ll you’ll buy them from these third-party sellers you’ll you’ll then you’ll go turn around and sell them on Amazon Prime now if you don’t know what Amazon Prime is apparently it’s well it’s it’s just basically means it’s gonna be um shipped packaged and labeled in Amazon’s warehouses as opposed to someone’s house and when it has that Prime logo it just makes people trust it more and they’re willing to spend more money apparently so like he is a stat like eighty percent of Amazon Shoppers won’t buy anything that’s not prime so I don’t know if that’s true but that’s the stat he gives um now the second strategy he teaches is called the snake in the grass method because no one knows about it so um sometimes you can find books where you could just trade into Amazon you could use Amazon’s trading program and that way you won’t have to go to a third party seller you can just buy and then turn around sell it directly to Amazon and it just saves you a lot of hassle and the shipping is free and and it’s really easy to do but you won’t always find those sort of opportunities but it is a second way to sell that he teaches now the and the only con with the trade and option is you can only redeem for Amazon gift cards not actual money so now the price of book profits is not cheap it’s going to be around thirty five hundred dollars but you’ll need to book a call with them and and you know and confirm that I’m you know don’t quote me on that price so 3 500 and then a monthly fee of 297 dollars that’ll give you continued access to the software all in all so what are my the pros and cons of this training the pros are it’s a unique business model a lot of courses teach you know Amazon FBA but they don’t teach book Arbitrage which is what you’d be doing so that’s kind of cool um and uh and now lots of student testimonials too he gives um you know one of the students is earning 50 to 60 000 a month another student earns sixty seven hundred dollars uh so so in in uh Revenue uh and then so these are Revenue figures but the profit margins he’s saying are between fifty and sixty percent so half that basically if you just want to go buy profit and the other Pros are you don’t need a website you don’t need a sales funnel you don’t need to do videos like I’m doing now you don’t need to no email marketing he says no real marketing skills I don’t know if that’s true necessarily but the cons there are several cons I would say so the cons are oops okay I guess we’re not doing that um you know I I had a big list but I’ll just I’ll just tell you what the cons are um I’m worried that this might get saturated pretty quickly because um lots of students are going to be using the same software buying the same books and and and also I don’t think the demand is that high either I think it’s going to decrease over time as the population ages there’s less need for textbooks um and you know I know more people are going to University a higher percentage but I think it’s going to be less and less as the years go by and more people find out about it so it’s I just worry about it getting saturated for those reasons the other con is the profit margins I don’t think are going to be as high as what he’s saying because you look at what these books are selling for it’s not nearly you know in hundreds of dollars he makes it sound all the books will sell for that much and that’s just not true it’s quite rare to get a find a book on here where you know you can buy it for eleven dollars and go ahead and sell something for you know hundreds of dollars that doesn’t make sense otherwise why would people sell it for eleven dollars right so the other con so I think the profit margins are going to be very slim I know with traditional e-commerce the profit margins are between 10 and 20 traditional Amazon FBA so I don’t see this being much better and you also need to spend money on Advertising um because just because you list something on Amazon organically doesn’t mean people are going to find your listing so that’s another thing to to worry about also it’s a very complicated business model I think you know very Hands-On not passive uh not as passive as he’s making it sound at least so um yes the software will help but it’s not foolproof it still needs a human mind behind it to make the strategy work I hope that makes sense um so um and uh yeah it’s a very complicated business model you’d be creating listings having to make sure the reviews are good make sure like you know handle Logistics customer service um any customer complaints you know maybe shipping is taking too long something like that it’s I mean it’s your book you’re selling so you’re going to be responsible for that and it’s just a lot so not my favorite business model but if you want to go down this route of book Arbitrage this might be a course worth checking out um now if you like what I think is a much better simpler faster you know just more beginner friendly way to earn money from home you can click the link below you’ll see my email opt-in enter your best email I can send you my free training if you want that’s it I hope you enjoyed this review hope to see you on the other side um sorry about that hiccup where I I closed the window but you know I hope you have a great day bye

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