Simple Affiliate Tools Review by Jen Perdew

Simple Affiliate Tools Review by Jen Perdew

hey there what’s up guys it is Frugal Downs here and thank you for checking out my review now before we get started with the review I want to tell you about the four bonuses that I’m going to give you when you pick up this product the link to pick up this product is in the description box below and the bonuses will be delivered to you automatically inside either Warrior Plus or jvzoo or wherever you’re buying this course from so these four bonuses are going to give you everything that you need to become a full-time internet marketer bonus number one is I’m going to show you how I get 250 000 brand new subscribers every single Friday this isn’t a technique it’s not a sneaky method or anything like that I literally show you where to go how to pick them up and then I show you how to um mail those subscribers with a self-hosted autoresponder that costs you somewhere between three dollars and twelve dollars per month depending on what settings you want to use so that’s the bonus number one 250 000 brand new subscribers every single Friday bonus number two is I’m going to give you my free traffic method that is working right now it’s working really really well it’s a totally free traffic method and you’re going to be able to flood your sites your blogs your offers your funnels everything with this free traffic bonus number three is I’m going to show you how I rank all of my YouTube videos on page one of YouTube no matter what the keyword is now the benefit to doing this is you can rank for say product term keywords let’s say product term review you can rank easily first for that using this method or if you wanted to rank for something like make money online I’m going to show you how you can rise up through the ranks and then get a ton of traffic from your YouTube videos by getting that good ranking a ton of traffic over to your offers by doing this as well now that’s all the traffic methods sorted but if you don’t have a course to promote then you can’t really make money so what I’m going to do is I’m going to give you your own course to promote I’m going to give you my Empire course I’m going to give you 100 missions to promote my Empire course throughout the funnel so it’s going to be like having your exact own course but you’re not going to do any of the setting up you’re not going to do any of the hosting or anything like that I host it all for you I just give you 100 commissions throughout the funnel so that you can promote Empire as your own course so that’s it for the bonus guys that’s it for the bonuses guys uh click the link in the description at any point throughout this review if you want to join this course this product and you will get these bonuses delivered to you automatically so with that said let’s get started with the review hey David here so let’s do a quick overview on how to use the simple affiliate tools we call this sat sat simple affiliate tools and we’ll start from the beginning with the um uh what we call this the uh the campaigns tab so if you don’t have any campaigns set up yet what you’ll want to do is Click add new and that will take you to the campaign screen and I’m just going to edit this one to show you what I’ve done with it and how it works um we’ll be flipping back and forth between the JV page and the campaign creation on this so that you can see what the impact is of each of these so the one we’re going to look at is how to create winning sales letter for chat GPT you see we have 303 campaign Tools in this one we have the idea is 86 here is your edit tab for the campaign here is your campaign tools and delete if you want to delete that campaign so I’m just click into this now it takes us right to the campaign tools here so this is where all of the tools live if I want to go back to the campaign and edit though I can either click here or I could have clicked uh in the upper right corner as well to get over here so I’m going to come back over here and I’m going to click on edit takes me back to the tools so the pencil takes me back to the tools itself if I want to click on the the gear over here that takes me to the edit campaign you’ll see that little gears at the in the at the campaign level as well so you can get to it multiple ways now one of the things first thing you need to know about setting up campaigns is that you are going to be able to edit what goes with your campaign here so anything I put in here in this wysiwyg WordPress yeah WordPress editor will show up on the tools so I’ve actually included one of our videos a short uh here so that we could include a video in this campaign as well to show people how to sign up for their uh for their affiliate links you want to choose your affiliate link here so in this case I chose Warrior plus and you add your affiliate programs here in this tab so you may not have any affiliate programs set up you can set up additional affiliate programs whatever you want to do here you can do that in this tab as well so if I click here you’ll see that we have added affiliate programs for one shopping cart Amazon Amazon Associates affiliate link works here as well a member ClickBank digital access passage Dev Infusionsoft so depending on the license you have you can add as many of these as you want or you might be limited to three and you can call always delete one if you want to delete one if you are limited on the number that you can do you click up here and you add a new um affiliate program and once you set the affiliate program let’s just go to Warrior plus and look at that one you’ll notice that anywhere on your um on your project on your affiliate project there will be a URL variable that’s what this is called so the variable in the URL linking to your affiliate tools page that identifies your affiliate nickname or ID for example within an email to your Affiliates it can be that you want to search for what is the variable that you want to search for that’s this here you’re going to search for that and you drop that in as well on this is your affiliate link setup so in Warrior plus the only thing that changes in Warrior plus is here and that is per product so it’s it’s different for every affiliate program you find out what the affiliate idea ID is where it goes and you put in the affiliate um uh variable there and you want to choose search and replace passthrough will do nothing but you want to choose search and replace as you set it up okay so we’re going to go back to our campaign here that was this one and I’m just going to click on our wheel to open up that campaign setting now if you um so I’ve chosen my cam my affiliate program here this is the uh the URL for the affiliate program that will that that will show up uh there’s two ways to do this and it’s going to get a little confusing but we’re going to show you how to um how to uh actually be more flexible with this once we change this everybody was copacetic with it all right so this is what it’s going to look like below here you can see that we have uh I we’ve got our simple click tracker tool here we’ve got our video tool here uh this is this shows and this is what is in that we’ve that we’ve typed in up here so this is what is displayed down here and you can see that we have the affiliate program link set out like this now the other thing we tell people though is session between two slashes is your new unique that’s for this program so you can change the instructions here the other thing we tell people is that they can actually put in their full affiliate URL if they are unsure about their affiliate how to place their affiliate link this comes in great because then you can use a redirect link or whatever you want inside the program now there’s no need to set this up here because this is just showing you what it is now I’ve chosen the sunny theme I can choose a different theme page will refresh and you see we have a a different cleaner theme here that just has a gray bar that’s smoothness now if I chose Redmond different theme that may work better for your page it’s got a little blue and I’m going to go back to the sunny okay and then I’m going to show you where it goes now if you’re using this on a if you have if you want to use this for a website that is not in WordPress you copy the iframe link down here put it on that website page and it’ll show up there as well all right so let’s go over to the campaign tools and I will show you how to get this started all right so across the top we’ve talked about the affiliate programs the campaigns and groups I’m not going to go into groups very much um I’ll show you that as we get going a little bit we have your settings where you input your um uh your license key on settings and then we’re going to go down you can see depending again on the type of of product you have for a simple affiliate tools you may have two or three or all of these options here some of these are holding are placeholders but in most cases you’ll have links articles banners email Facebook post you can have uh signatures text ads tweets and videos reports and brandable PDFs are still being worked on those are still being integrated with another tool that we have that will change those out okay so if I want to add something I’m going to come in here and I will click on whichever tool category I want to add let’s say I want to add an email foreign couple of ways and the most efficient way to do this is if you have for example let’s say you’re going to do a closing email I’ve already got one email that is all I’ve already written I can click on that and it opens up that email which has a title you saw that title and the group here these are the groups in this campaign only these are the groups in this campaign only that I’m creating different uh not not just this tool but the campaign so that if I have Facebook or if I have headlines or if I have Pinterest or scarcity or what other groups I’m setting up in this case closing I add those whatever groups I want I can add a new group here that helps me organize my um my my results in the actual display page and I’ll show you how that works in just a second now on in my in my email wherever I want my affiliate link to show all I do is follow the the instructions here put a t this this uh this little code right here in the email itself now this will be the same in for any place I want my affiliate link to show whether it’s an email a banner ad a video or whatever it is so you want to put your um your variable here for the entire uh affiliate link there okay so now it will display down here what it looks like and if I wanted to to write another email similar to this I could do save as duplicate I use save as save and duplicate a lot because then I can just really crank them out very fast if I want to just save it I click that button save and back will take me back to the campaign that I was the campaign tools that I was in Saving that another gives me a blank slate again so I’m going to click up here in the back to tools list okay uh yeah so another one thing I wanted to show you uh on that before I move away is that at the bottom of the page let’s see where is that maybe I can see it here oh maybe some Shortcut better ah I forgot it was on the bottom of the campaign tools page this is the page where your um where your short code is going to be uh displayed for your JV tools so if I click on this it’s going to open up in a new window here and you can see as it opens up we’ll click on our swipes here now this is what we had in our display remember I said that this was uh the everything in that in that wysiwyg editor will show up in this campaign right so now here’s something that’s important you can actually add more than one so if you’ve got a JV page that uh you want to have all of your tools on you just put all of your campaigns in there and then you would select here in this drop down box which campaign you want to they your your customer your affiliate wants to deal with and I’ll show you an example of that um you come to the bottom I’m going to put in our affiliate link here I was actually in our case we’re using the um we’re using the vendor link that this is the link we’re using it is a full URL and it’s a redirect link so this redirects to our Warrior plus affiliate link that protects our affiliate links and it also makes it damn sure we’re getting people to where we want them to go okay now you can put your ID in your ID would be this part here that you would get from your affiliate link approved for this product or put in your your full URL I highly recommend the full URL then you set ID okay it’s going to refresh again and then you’ll see here that this is now our primary Warrior plus link for this product so I’ve got links I’ve got banners like this and you can see here’s our affiliate link right here and this would be the code that you copy just click that and you copy that code if you want to put that Banner in a sidebar or something um now remember I said groups and so in the banners I have different groups I have banner ads I have Facebook ads these are Facebook ads or Facebook posts varying sizes but they’re correct sizes for Facebook okay or Instagram LinkedIn Pinterest big old Pinterest pictures Twitter YouTube covers thumbnails for YouTube videos I can show off so then I’ve got uh let’s see email is set up the same way I can download the email so I can actually move those if I want to into an autoresponder series highly recommend that because then you’re going to have especially for Evergreen programs because then you’re going to have the ability to set these up and send them whatever you want um so if I I’ll show you that in a second but we have a chat GPT angle on this these these are all customizable by you so you can do whatever tab that you want on the top of this so you can see here we have emails I can open it up like this I can click this to open it will show me in a scrollable box what I’ve got and here’s my affiliate link right there’s my affiliate link for this guy so now that was chat GPT let’s do a launch there’s my launch series there’s my changing landscape series more Evergreen kind of copy bonuses just added upsells what are the upsells a webinar buyers only webinar closing and then show up okay same with signatures we have results signatures and scarcity signatures these are the two groups I added here so you’ll notice that when I have results highly converting sales letters scarcity is introductory price going away and what you would copy is either the text version which would be this or the HTML version you’ll notice the the HTML in this one and you can copy that as well and put it in and you’ll see something similar to this up here see now this link is anchored in the HTML and you’ve got a bold there so that’s what the HTML version does for that okay uh let’s see I think that’s along oh tweets and on the tweets um I have all the tweets here and you can copy them one at a time uh hopefully you are going to use our import system to import your tweets so that you’ll have a full set of those as well sorry way too far there all right so now coming back over to this setup here you can uh let’s see I want to open up banners you’ll notice here we have an import button for banners okay so if you click on import and you download the CVS CSV template foreign [Music] [Music] template I have input our information already on this template so we have these are the headings of the of the template category which would be your groups right size this is the size of your banner the title is here the description is here which tells me what kind they are and the link for where the banner is stored so in this case I’ve got everything on Amazon S3 you could have it on you know where your Plus or wherever you wanted to serve those from so it has to be a place that you can serve these images from the person has the ability to download the images but if they do the um but they do the uh if they want to use the code that is under each of the images then they have to be served from somewhere now um so here is the uh template I just save it as a CSV and then I import it here by uploading CSV choose the file upload CSV and then it populates the entire thing so that’s a pretty awesome little opportunity to save yourself a lot of time in the banners because when you do an individual Banner you put in all this information what’s the title what’s the group what is the the only time you use this Warrior plus URL or whatever URL is here that is inside the bracket here the variable bracket is when you want it to go someplace else and instead of your affiliate link and that’s like going to be almost never so you pretty much will will uh ignore that part so you choose the banner file you upload the banner URL choose the banner file or upload the banner URL in this case spender URL you modify the banner code with the um the width and the height so if I change these if I change this to 200 you’ll notice that it changes over here right there is 191 but I just clicked it and it changed to 200. so uh you want these to be exact there are standard sizes for Facebook banners LinkedIn banners for everything pretty much and all these standard advertising Banner sizes there are standard sizes and then you give it a description now you can check this button that says I don’t want to serve these I want them to download and you can force them to download the image so that it’s not using your bandwidth if you want and so you have that option as well okay so back to the tools list let’s see um I think that’s pretty much everything I want to show you you’ll see over here on the tools list overall that you have all of these listed here and you’ll notice there’s only 25 I think that get shown on a screen than those other pages of tools that we have here but I can click show all and it will refresh and it’ll show everything that we have and um let’s see do we have any articles in this I don’t think so I think we just have banners and emails and signatures and text ads we have a few text ads I believe and we had some tweets as well so I was going to now how do you get that on your page so this is the important part right here so the short code for this is is listed here but you can build a short code as well over here so this is for this one campaign let me go back to that again this was for this one campaign this is all you have to put on your page in WordPress uh you just copy that paste it where you want it everything else is going to be below so you want to think about what else is around your page there including remember what’s the description in the campaign itself so that’s all going to display you got to be thinking about design as you build out the campaign now if you want to do a JV page that has everything that you have in it you can do that so for example if I wanted Amazon if I’ve got a book that I want Amazon sellers to be able to use notice it added ID 79 now I’ve got let’s say I’ve got um how to create winning sales letters with chat GPT that’s the one that’s number 86 it just adds that I have how to set up products on Warrior plus okay so those are my three that I want to put up there I’m going to copy that short code right here just copy that shortcode I’m going to come to my JV page which is here I’m going to open my page builder which is beaver builder in our case sorry my machine says slow okay so I’ve got my Builder here come down to my spot and you’ll notice here is my campaign right if I edit this this is all that is there it that is all of this inside this block so now I’m going to type in or just drop in all three of them like that so I’ve got three campaigns there click save okay now I’m going to you’ll notice that changed right away okay so now I’m going to say done publish okay it’s saved notice my drop down box up here Amazon weekend workshops book I now have three products on this page I have Amazon weekend workshops book if I look at this I’ve got banner ads I don’t have any emails but I’ve got a lot of banner ads for this right if I choose how to set up products from Warrior Plus it’s going to refresh this looks a lot like the last one because I copied and pasted but it is different because it’s a it’s different copy in here we still use the same video and I’ve got different material across the top I’ve got articles in this one so if I come here and click on open these articles are very similar to some Facebook posts or some some emails that we sent I just stripped them down and created the Articles these are more like tips articles okay so there’s all of that let’s see banners this is a completely set different set of banners on how to do WordPress training um not WordPress training that’s Warrior plus training now notice too I don’t have these grouped we added the groups after we did this campaign and this is when I discovered that we really needed the groups so that we could uh give people I think there’s like 20 or 30 banners here so they just go through all of them instead we just started adding the group so it could help them out there and the email campaigns are here okay uh Facebook posts are here tweets and videos we had some videos here as well so uh videos can be embedded on your site just using this people click to play then they’re going to be tagged with that um uh with that affiliate link okay so uh let’s see now I want to come back to this guy so this is the one I was showing you before so I can add as many products here for Affiliates as I as a promotion as I want so I just wanted you to be aware that you can do one or you can do multiple and it works seamlessly okay all right um I think I think that covers what I wanted to cover oh you can also just limit the number of tools that you want to show so if you just wanted to do email you pop that in there and all that’s going to come up on all three of these would be email so um you can do that as well okay that’s it hope this helped





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