Puzzle Book Domination Review OTO Login Bonuses By Keith Wheeler
Puzzle Book Domination Review OTO Login Bonuses By Keith Wheeler
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so even though i’m not actively doing low content books i have talked a lot in the past about puzzle books so today i wanted to share a puzzle book course that you may have heard of puzzle book domination i want to talk about the features what i like and i also want to compare it with a puzzle book software i talked about several months ago by now maybe it’s been a year puzzle book mastery and just if you have any questions what’s the differences so puzzle book domination is a puzzle book course it is not a software the big thing you’ll see here is keith wheeler the instructor starts with a video and it includes doing and making some puzzle types manually on powerpoint which is kind of cool you create custom puzzles you know i don’t use powerpoint myself i did watch a couple of the videos in the course and it did look really cool to me some of the puzzles i’ve never heard before and then you can see here the course also includes some more videos on tips to get your book selling and then lifetime access as of this recording which is january 19 2021 just 97 so a pretty good steal if you’re in the puzzle book market if you’re looking on publishing puzzle books and then puzzle book mastery is the one that i have talked about before and this is more of a puzzle book software you know this software will help you create word search puzzles um cryptograms and i’m forgetting the other types off the top of my head i’ve used the software before it’s pretty good now which one should you get or should you get any first of all you’ve got to figure out do you want to publish puzzle books there are a lot being published it is a pretty lucrative type of book to sell now if you’re interested in maybe publishing some variety books both of these might be for you if you’re more interested in learning how to do some puzzle books more manually you might look into puzzle book domination again puzzle book domination uses powerpoint to show you so if you don’t use that software you will have to deviate to what you use or make your own changes once you learn the basic techniques now keith wheeler the um creator of puzzle book domination also has a youtube channel where he talks about self-publishing he actually has published some kids books i’ll also leave the link to his youtube channel below as well as the two links to these um puzzle book software and course if it sounds interesting to you if you have any other questions or comments make sure to leave them below and until next time we’ll talk soon