PLR Find Your Ideal Business Niche Review By Joan Altres
PLR Find Your Ideal Business Niche Review By Joan Altres
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hey there what’s up guys it is Frugal Downs here and thank you for checking out my review now before we get started with the review I want to tell you about the four bonuses that I’m going to give you when you pick up this product the link to pick up this product is in the description box below and the bonuses will be delivered to you automatically inside either Warrior Plus or jvzoo or wherever you’re buying this course from so these four bonuses are going to give you everything that you need to become a full-time internet marketer bonus number one is I’m going to show you how I get 250 000 brand new subscribers every single Friday this isn’t a technique it’s not a sneaky method or anything like that I literally show you where to go how to pick them up and then I show you how to um mail those subscribers with a self-hosted autoresponder that costs you somewhere between three dollars and twelve dollars per month depending on what settings you want to use so that’s the bonus number one 250 000 brand new subscribers every single Friday bonus number two is I’m going to give you my free traffic method that is working right now it’s working really really well it’s a totally free traffic method and you’re going to be able to flood your sites your blogs your offers your funnels everything with this free traffic bonus number three is I’m going to show you how I rank all of my YouTube videos on page one of YouTube no matter what the keyword is now the benefit to doing this is you can rank for say product term keywords let’s say product term review you can rank easily first for that using this method or if you wanted to rank for something like make money online I’m going to show you how you can rise up through the ranks and then get a ton of traffic from your YouTube videos by getting that good ranking a ton of traffic over to your offers by doing this as well now that’s all the traffic methods sorted but if you don’t have a course to promote then you can’t really make money so what I’m going to do is I’m going to give you your own course to promote I’m going to give you my Empire course I’m going to give you 100 missions to promote my Empire course throughout the funnel so it’s going to be like having your exact own course but you’re not going to do any of the setting up you’re not going to do any of the hosting or anything like that I host it all for you I just give you 100 commissions throughout the funnel so that you can promote Empire as your own course so that’s it for the bonus guys that’s it for the bonuses guys uh click the link in the description at any point throughout this review if you want to join this course this product and you will get these bonuses delivered to you automatically so with that said let’s get started with the review when most people start out in my coaching clients almost always ask me well how much money can I make in this and it’s a reasonable question how profitable is the niche you’re getting into there’s a very famous article by a great venture capitalist Mark Schuster it’s called deer hunting he Compares startups or small businesses to hunting elephants versus hunting deer versus hunting rabbits if you’re not into hunting that’s just an analogy I don’t hunt myself but in any case this is the article and I’ll link it up in the resources you can read it it’s an interesting article it came out some years ago and it’s still really relevant but I’ll give you the summary the main challenge is that an elephant of a business would be fantastic right that’s a giant business that succeeds in a giant industry like fashion travel make money online whatever the problem is that it’s just too hard your competitors are too strong and most people when they go up against it’s a challenge they don’t succeed especially if they’re first-time entrepreneurs on the flip side if you’re going after rabbit tiny rabbit-sized niches there may not be enough money to be made there and so traditionally The Sweet Spot has been like a deer right it’s it’s still big but it’s manageable and it’s within expectation and and you can go after it and that was The Sweet Spot not too hard not too little perfect but that was some years ago now online we were having a constant increase of competition yesterday was less competitive than today last year was less competitive than this year and this is just going to get worse and worse and worse 10 years ago YouTube was amazing to get into now almost every Niche is really crowded hard to stand out same thing on many other platforms so competition is the problem so there’s actually less deer available this shifting landscape has created a situation where we actually should go after rabbits not deer as our first startups or first businesses but make sure that we can dominate that business that Niche so rabbits are good for early interpreters let me give you a couple of examples to clarify this so let’s say you’re in a jewelry business jewelry amazing industry super competitive really hard to stand out so what if you focus on jewelry with beads for kids okay so we Niche down a little bit you might actually have to Niche down a little bit more but look at how much money can you make still a lot because you can squeeze out a lot from this here’s an example because you’re targeting such a niche audience you’re more likely to sell more items to the same person and they’re more likely to recommend them and you can get known for being like the bead jewelry king or queen and you can start teaching how to make it and you can even sell beads or supplies as an affiliate right like third-party companies who provide the beads who provide others other items you use to make the jewelry people you teach can buy that through your link and you can collect an affiliate revenue and maybe you can create custom jewelry there’s so many ways to monetize one client you don’t have to have a tremendous huge Niche you just have to make a name for yourself in that one Niche now let’s go over another example that make money online Niche right that everybody tries to get into when they first start out trying to make money online it’s a really hard Niche super competitive so how do we succeed in this well you can pick anything let’s say we pick out of every possible way you can make money online let’s go to something obscure only mobile app games and app promotion and you can do this on YouTube and you can monetize with Affiliates because you can promote certain software you can monetize through ads on your YouTube channel and you can monetize through services that your service is promoting games right you have that channel so you can help people promote games and you can do a lot you can promote games on Facebook Twitter on YouTube and so on and so on and you can generate a lot of money from one client and get known as the app game promotion person and so a lot of the people in in the industry will just refer people to you because you are the expert in that little niche and the amazing thing is that that Niche is not that little there’s like a million app games out there right that actually might be even too much so these are examples of how to Niche down to that rabbit size and actually squeeze out a lot from that rabbit size opportunity which you can dominate it and also monetize effectively