DomainGPT OTO 2023
DomainGPT OTO 2023
hi there guys my name’s Mark Gossage of Welcome to my domain GPT review domain GPT all about setting up an online business a website that sells domains for you it’s a massive business you don’t need to buy in the domains you’re just sort of the middleman okay A bit like GoDaddy and other companies that are out there selling domain names you’ll be selling them people buy them and then as the money comes in you buy the domain and for a low low price it’s it’s all in here absolutely massive plus it’s got AI built into it artificial intelligence that’s going to help find you the customers it’s going to help build that traffic for you get them to your site and get them buying domains now domains are red hot almost everybody on the internet they’ve got a website there’s new people coming on there’s people wanting to build more websites and each time they need a domain name and that’s where you come in your site sells domain names and that’s what they want if they want a top-notch website they’re going to get a top-notch domain okay so every time someone purchases a domain through your site you get paid fast it’s as simple as that super simple and there’s every chance that they’ll be renewing it next year and the year after okay so yeah you could be building up a massive business and as it says here domain GPT first AI app to build you a profitable domain business from scratch okay just a few bits to complete and you’re up and running it’s so super simple you’ll be able to register unlimited Ultra cheap domains which you can sell for 100 it’s saying okay all in there they’re making a lot of money with this and they’re using AI to leverage these domains are uncovering hard to find little known domains that are worth thousands of dollars in seconds okay and as it says you won’t need to spend a penny on paid ads marketing anything like that no techie skills needed nothing you know once you’ve got this cloud-based app it’s super simply or it all does it for you near enough as you’ll be finding out later on now I’m on the bonus page here easy to get there first link below the video if you’re on YouTube okay on YouTube come straight on over to my bonus Page by clicking on that link you’re going to see all my bonuses more about domain GPT how easy it is three steps access uh step two move on step three everything there okay and as we go down you’ve got the prices and upsells there starting at 17 we’ll get a couple of dollars off if we’re there early enough uh let’s just have a look when it’s launching I’ve got the times on the right here if I can find them um let me just have a look now yeah Monday the 13th of March at 11AM EDT so Monday March the 13th 11 A.M in the morning EDT okay same as EST I believe all out there once that launches if you’re there you’ll be getting that massive deal a one-time low price 17 I believe it can get a couple of dollars off we’ll have a look in a bit so around 15 the price will be rising so the longer you leave it the more you’re paying yeah as I said it’s a one-time low price pay ones used for a very long time website the AI getting the leads and everything it’s all here now what I want to say is why not build a list while United I’m going to show you where the free software is that you can use for free and you can build a funnel be it one page or several Pages get people to opt in onto your funnel build a list and you can be there selling them that again domain domain domain okay so that they come on your list and you show them yep why don’t you buy demo blah blah blah blah use this use that do that get it at the lowest price you’ve got to connect with them tell them what you’re about tell them why the need of domain name explain everything else plus you’ll be able to sell them things like hosting as an affiliate if you go onto the hosting sites GoDaddy and the others you’ll find that most of them if not all have got affiliate products normally you go onto their page front page go down to the bottom of the page and it’ll say affiliate Okay click on there join their affiliate program of the one you want or of two or three and you can be selling hosting as well as domains okay the go hand in hand you’re going to make even more money absolutely massive for those of you that are going to put the time in those either going to build it and those of you that do want to make money okay and not just dream about it in your spare time bonus too yep I’m giving you a fast list building Methods at work it’s going to explain how to build lists and everything you’ve got the free software to do your landing pages you’ll explain a great way of doing you know how to build it plus you get an opt-in page as well if you’ve got hosting simply upload that add your autoresponder you’re good to go it really is super simple I I everybody’s going on about AI it’s really hit the scenes now yeah everybody wants it everybody wants to know what to do with it and here’s the chat GPT masterclass it’s all on video you’ll be able to see everything what they do how they do it create products you know it’s going to show you exactly how to integrate AI straight into your marketing absolutely fantastic bonus Facebook fan pages you’ve got a business you need them you’re selling hosting you’re selling you know domains you need it it’s as simple as that this is going to show you how to build your Facebook fan page the right way how to populate it and everything age keep it updated where you’re going with it everything like that and the beauty of it is you can also sell your survey Service as a Facebook fan page Creator you show this is my Facebook fan page I can build one just as good in any Niche I can keep you updated for a monthly fee there’s even more money going your way you’ve got several different streams of income massive social media that’s where a lot of the traffic is people say oh it’s hard it’s hard if you’re trying to sell to them if you’re sharing with them giving them free ideas free these free they will come around and trust you okay and everybody knows you’ve got to pay for a domain name if you want one you’ve got to pay for hosting if you want decent hosting everybody knows that so it’s not a hard sell if they want it they’re going to buy it it’s as simple as that social media oh social media is no good just think this the top dogs are paying they’re paying to advertise on social media sites they’re paying a lot of money thousands of dollars so where do the ads going well if you’re advertising on Facebook Facebook’s advertising to the all the people on Facebook it’s as simple as that the same people you can be advertising to the only difference is when you pay you get a bigger reach you get out there when you’re doing it free it is a smaller reach but a smaller reach you’re a one-man business that small reach is more than enough for you to be dealing with it really really is and if you’re not selling as a saying you so you know you’re out there you’re giving them value I mean let’s say you’re doing that hosting company uh Go Daddy okay go down go Daddy go to rain hosting size find out what you should have host in the top 10 reasons or the top five why you know why they’re saying we’re the best hosting sites and then you can go out and you can share with them you know I’ve got this and I’ve got that and this is why it’s the best number one reason number two number three number four and you’re sharing it with them people that one house are going to go oh fastest it’s got laser it’s got you know and they are there they are there and they’re gonna purchase it’s as simple as that guys all you’ve got to do is use what’s in here get it out there and people are going to be tripping over themselves to get onto your pages to purchase things they’re just you know the money will keep rolling in this bonus as it says it’s going to show you how to succeed with social media as a whole okay not just one platform several platforms how to get your brand out there how to grow your audience how to connect with the edge get more attention and ultimately how to make more money from social media then we’ve got the backdoor vendor bonuses let me just have a look there are 50 bonuses there all waiting for you 50 bonuses if you want to check them all out simply first link below if you’re on YouTube come over to my bonus page scroll down three quarters or more down the page and you’ll be able to go through all 50 of those there’s all different sorts you’ll love most of them okay if not all for absolutely brilliant they really really are everything’s here how did you get it click any of the orange buttons here okay you’ll see them all the way down the bonus page as you go down click on any of those buttons and this should take you to the sales page of domain GPT where you can lock it in at a low price as long as you’re here early okay price Rising after a few days it will be going up a lot so if you want this guys the sooner you get here the better and as I say it’s launching on Monday March the 13th okay Monday March 13th 11 A.M EST EDT it’s there guys for the take okay and all you’ve got to do first link below the video click on that come over to my bonus page and click on any of the orange buttons and as I say as long as I get credited with the sale you’ll be getting all of my bonuses here not just one you’ll be getting all of these okay plus those back door vendor bonuses and it’s not just one or two that are 50 there okay you’re getting a load of bonuses you really really are with that being said what will happen when you click the orange button you go to the sales page looks exactly like this it may change slightly and you as I say there is that two dollar discount let’s take that off as you go to get off the page it will come up once if you’ve already got it up and close it like I have it doesn’t come again so what you do you simply refresh or reload the page okay let it there let it load and as I said as you go off there it is bang click on the button that will be here and you’re good to go two dollars off until it’s launching at 17. I believe you’ll get it for 15 okay tells you more here about how you can do it how you can make it sales page goes through so much and if you want to get it as soon as you know you want it click on any of these orangey buttons okay on the sales page click on that lock it in and get it and if you’re super clever you’ll click on this one up here the pop over okay you’ll click on that pop over which will give you the two dollars off you might as well get two dollars off you’re getting an absolute bargain of a deal you really are okay and as it says step one access it step two use the AI magic and step three profit okay you’re going to create an entire domain business from scratch for you you won’t be doing it you’ll have to fill in a few bits of logo in that click click click John bang you got your business up and running you can have that up and running today okay up and running today ready to make money start getting traffic the money will start to Rolling it’s as simple as that people are loving it people have been trying it out it really is as it says here tap into three billion dollars domain business okay three clicks did can you you know one two three can you do three clicks and add a little bit about yourself in you know a logo bits like that absolutely simple and as it says what you’re going to be doing like name cheap and everywhere else okay everyone’s desperate for the change everybody wants more you know it really really is what you need there to say that hey the stumble it tells you all about how to find out about it how they built it how they’ve managed to plug the AI in and how they’re making money okay 157 813 two thousand something you know absolutely brilliant this is he uploaded five videos got the word out there bang okay I mean they do do that if you sit around you’ll probably you know make a few dollars okay if you got it up there people trip over it you’ll get a few dollars if you’re promoted as well bang I’ll give you the Facebook fan page bonus it’s going to show you how to get the most out of it also that social media bonus that’s going to show you how to get the most out of it you’re going to be building a list you’re going to be able to build a free funnel everything there so if you want a massive business that converts this is it domain GPT absolutely long page I invite you to come over and have a look through it go through it and check everything okay um oh really if you’re going to get traffic Blaster which will automatically blast your videos across 99 social networks with a click of a button you’ll have to set them up 99 is a lot to set up I’d start off with one tomorrow do one you know and over quite a few months I’d probably put 50 on there I’m not saying I do all 199. bang on every day out there and you’ll be getting traffic then more and more by the day as you connect more to it X funnel it’s the easiest way to 10 times your earnings and a 1.3 million stock Library so you’re never going to run out of videos images voice overs again it’s there guys don’t need to create your own videos if you don’t want to get these put a bit of text over them you know or why they should get it 10 reasons why you should purchase hosting today through me 10 reasons why you should get a domain name through me blah blah blah do videos like that get a mate get a mate get a mate get them in okay and the money’s there guys it’s up to you if you’re going to just sit there and twiddle your thumbs it won’t work for you okay it’s a business it’s not a hobby treat it like a hobby and it’ll treat you like a hobby it’s as simple as that okay all here for the take there is a 30 day Ironclad money back guarantee so there’s no real risk on your part it’s all here okay absolutely fantastic and it’s as easy as first link below the video if you’re on YouTube come over to my bonus page check them bonuses out they’re absolutely massive and they’re going to play a vital part in making even more money with your main GPT click on any of the orange buttons get on that sales page click the orange button the pop over if it comes up to get a few dollars off and lock it in and as I say if I get credited you get all my bonuses and all those backdoor vendor bonuses all 50. it’s not choose one do you want this one do you want that one you get the lot okay they’re all there waiting for you absolutely massive deal now with that being said I’m going to hand you over to the experts that are going to walk you through the domain GPT dashboard gonna take six or seven minutes and I’ll see you back so we can go through the upsells of pricing and everything else so enjoy and I’ll see you back soon hey welcome to this video and in this video I’m going to introduce you with our brand new app extreme domain which allows you to sell domains just like GoDaddy namecheap and so many other platforms without ever owning these domains now the cool thing about extreme domain is that upon your registration you are going to get your very own fully placed Cloud app ending on which domain name you have picked you should get something like this your domain dot extreme domain Dot site all with SSL and everything ready to go this is how the page should look like now look over the main page before we dive into your admin area from here your customer can find their business name using AI then they can generate the domain for their business name also they can search the domain from here then they can see who is information of any domain they can use reverse IP lookup then they can see the domain location also they can use the DNS lookup feature let me show you how if someone wants to find a business name for their online business they just need to put here the keyword and click on get names the system will generate name for their business they just need to pick one of the names from here now they can generate domain for their business just go to The Domain generator enter the business name here and click on generate and these are the domains available for this business name they can buy any of them from here now let’s go to the who is information section they can see the information from here they just need to put here the domain name and click on get who is and this is how they can see the who is information also they can use the reverse IP lookup they just need to enter the IP address here and click on lookup then go to The Domain location they can see the domain location from here just need to put here the domain name click on gate location and they will see the domain location from here also they can see that DNS lookup just need to put here the domain name and click on code DNS they will see the domain DNS information now let’s dive into the admin area this is the login page of the admin area you need to log in with your email ID and password then just click on login now so from the admin area you can modify your extreme domain site and make it more profitable you will have full control over your site and you can customize everything from the admin area like you can set up the general settings from here you can change the logo you can change the fabic on you can change your website title footer then you can add custom HTML and from the SEO settings you can configure the SEO settings for your website then from the tools section you can enable the different tools on your website or you can disable them then from the ad spots you can configure the ads for the predefined ad spots on your website from the additional asset you can add additional CSS or JavaScript in your website from the contact settings you can modify the contact page settings of your website like here is the contact us page you can modify it from the contact settings section and from the API settings you can edit the API keys for Google recaptcha and exchange rate API then from the currency settings you can active or deactive currency selection from here you can enable or disable currency from here also you can make default currency for your website and from the features and FAQ you can add or remove features and FAQ from your website like here the FAQs I hear the features of your website then from the header and footer links section you can add or remove links from the header and footer of your website you can customize your header and footer links from the admin area then from the TLD settings you can configure how tlds behalf on your website like you can show recent searches page on header and footer you can select it from here you can enable or disable the appearance of price on domain search and the most important part is that you need to modify the affiliate link for all tlds add-ons and you need to put here your name Seal affiliate link so whenever someone purchase a domain you will get the commission then from the manage TLD section you can see the list of all tlds on your website you can enable the domain extensions from here you can disable them also you can edit them or delete them then from the active tlds order you can see here the list of the active tlds on your website you can make any of the extensions as the main extension of your website from here then from the domain generator section you can add remove or update the TL list for the domain generator and from the who is suggestions section you can add remove or update the suggestions for The Wiz information tool then from the pages section you can add pages to your website like this one this is the home page and if you want to add more pages then just need to click on ADD page and you need to put here the page details then just click on submit and your page will be added to your website and to destroy the cage you just need to click on Destroy cage it will destroy the case from your extreme domain side this is how you can use extreme domain site and make it more profitable from the admin area thanks for watching this video Roy well welcome back as you can see domain GPT super simple super easy the real deal if you want to be the middleman selling domains this is easy it really is and if you want to put hosting on you can as well that’s you know it’s going to be a no-brainer really you know if you’re selling domains you want to sell hosting simple as that okay that’s why I say build a list build a connection build a rapport and get it out there your domains and your hosting okay everything’s there and you you’re just getting traffic connecting with it and that is all your job is once you’ve got your website set up which is like three simple steps basically you’ll need a logo a name odds and ends that’s it okay all hosted for you on the domain GPT server simple as that now we’re on the bonus page first link below the video if you’re on YouTube coming over scroll down and you’ll see the upsells here front end 17 Pro unlimited everything all you know everything there forty seven dollars done for you you feel I might not be able to do it it’s a bit much for me Mark I want to build though you know let someone else do it 97 it’s a you know it’s affordable ninety seven dollars done for you GMC forty seven dollars not sure what that is I think that’s training not sure okay haven’t got access to it so I’m not too sure reseller we know what reseller is you can resell it as you own almost 97 again very very affordable how’d you lock it in the orange button simply click on them lock it in at the lowest price it’s all here guys domain GPT waiting for you to give you that easy way to get in your website online and once you’ve got it online properly it’s working properly you’re there you’re ready to make money breast is up to you are you going to go out there mention it on social media there’s no need to say I own the site nothing like that you just say I’ve got a domain yeah buy one for yourself yeah buy a bit of Hosting you’d say I’ve gotta hosting from here because it was only x amount it’s fantastic I’ve got my domain from here again this is a website people come over they buy you make money it’s as simple as that okay you only need an hour to a day once you’ve got your website up and running you know what you’re doing you’ve got it off to Pat you know you know exactly you’re not going to start yeah once you’ve got it you’ve been doing it for a few days a week or two you’ll be able to just talk talk or type type and do it okay and when my bonus the AI bonus you’re going to be able to have the typing done for you can go in there and put things like you know what’s the best hosting company you get me it’s done for you watch this what’s that and it will do you the emails to connect with it’ll do you everything get in that chat GPT open Ai and get it done okay you’ve only got to put in like one or two keyword questions and it’ll come back sometimes you’ll actually don’t know but as long as you’re willing to ask it two or three questions you’re going to get a load of content back it’s as simple as that and then if you like the content put it back in and put rewrite this content uh with a funny slant on it or rewrite this content like blah blah or you know a straight lace whatever and it’ll keep bringing it back Rewritten okay and you can go through you think yeah yeah some of it you might not like just cross the two one or two lines out and you’re good to go you’ve got all your email subject lines everything the body everything no problem okay easy peasy and if you see emails coming to you into your inbox marketing things similar you know like blah blah blah blah blah blah blah get it put it into the AI rewrite this bang done okay rewrite it several times pick out the four to five your light change your name in the hosting company or you know whatever you need to hardly anything done okay simple just use the AI I will be doing a free video um later on in the week it will be up there and you’ll start to see a link for the time okay not forever a link for a month or two with that free video under my review so when you see my review video like this one if you look beneath your first thing you’ll see a link to what I’m reviewing and then below that you’ll see a link saying you know find out how to use AI or you know write better emails how to hit the inboxes or things like that okay I’m not sure the exact title I haven’t done it yet I will be doing it if I get time I’ll be doing it today it’ll be up today tomorrow if not over this week or but I say that over next week okay over the next seven days we’ll get it up there for you because I want you guys to succeed I want you to understand how to hit the inboxes when you’re doing emailing and things like that and how to write up your emails super simple no need to scratch your head no need to look at a blank canvas it’s nearly enough all done for you okay if you know what you’re doing and I’m going to teach you the proper way the way that a lot of those big guns out there they don’t want you to know when they give you um let’s say you’re promoting a product for them they give you swipes as they call them people send them out they’re the exact same swipes everybody sees them bang bang they open their email hi why don’t you buy I don’t know domain GPT for instance blah blah blah so you won’t deliver email hi why don’t you buy domain GPT blah blah blah all the same and you think oh you know these people they’re all just copying that you know they don’t know nothing about it they don’t know these they ain’t got a clue they probably can’t write an email maybe they can’t spell it’s not very you know it’s not connecting with me it’s pissing me off basically okay so use AI get their email that promotional email let’s say you’re promoting domain GPT get that email get it into AI get it Rewritten it’ll do it so that it’s to you basically it’s yours Google will send it it’s got more chance on this in the inbox as I said I’ll go through even more detail in a video and I’ll show you exactly how to do it step by step free video done for you okay especially for you all done so thanks for watching my review hope you understand what domain gpts and how it can benefit you look out from a free video because as I say that’s going to benefit you big time as well if you’re promoting offers be hosting domains or even affiliate products guys it’s going to help you hit that inbox it’s going to help you do everything as well so thanks for watching my review make sure you take care stay safe and I’ll see you soon bye for now [Music]