A.I Google Hack Review
A.I Google Hack Review
in this AI Google Hack review I’m going to be showing you a software that’s claiming that they’re making 34.75 every time someone clicks I’m gonna be showing what this is and of course what this isn’t and make sure you stay to the end of this review is I’m also going to show you all the different otos and upgrades how you can get a discount on every single one of them including a discount on the offer you see on the sales page if you’re new to my channel my name is Mike Thomas I’m a seven figure affiliate marketer I do these reviews every single day so that you can get the best deals on upcoming software courses if at any point during this review you want to check out AI Google Hack just go ahead and click that link below also please like this video it really helps out in the YouTube channel and I appreciate it and make sure you hit that subscribe button and Bell notification okay last thing before we jump in here I just want to show you my bonus page I do have a bunch of bonuses that you will get if you purchase this through my link all these bonuses will be waiting for you right inside of warrior plus after you purchase through my link okay let’s take a look at the sales page here together it says new breakthrough this 900 billion dollar hack pays us whenever someone clicks world’s first AI app that hacks Google’s hidden loophole paying us 34.75 every time someone clicks without creating or promoting anything so essentially what this is about and this uh by the way I don’t like believe all this uh as you’ll see it’s a software that auto creates uh websites for you and you can monetize them I believe what they’re referring to here is monetizing it with like Google ads on it but uh yeah I don’t uh you’ll you’ll see I I don’t believe a lot of these income uh claims here but that being said if you’re looking for a software that creates websites that are you don’t have to pay for hosting and it will create content for you it’ll create like creates a domain if that’s what you’re looking for stay tuned so they say that they made 28 000 from this but like this screenshot I don’t know where the heck this is from I would really need to see some proof on that they’ve got some AdSense screenshots but again I don’t have any reason to believe that this is from using this software I really need to see more proof of that they have a case study in the members area but I don’t really believe the case study like they say they made eight thousand dollars but that can easily be uh like you can you can easily fake that kind of stuff so anyways um they say like one click makes 34 dollars five clicks makes 173 make 20 clicks 659 potentially you can make money from clicks if you have AdSense ads but you have to be in a really uh like a competitive Niche and a really high paying Niche like the finance niche but you can make months some money like that but like here’s where I problem like 230 profitable beta testers I do not believe that these people are real people that have tested the software out okay so just be aware of that do not believe it for one second uh and that they made 234 000 invariable and verified Google earnings do not believe they said either uh and if I’m wrong if if they if they watch this and they want to prove it to me then I will make a new video saying I’m wrong but I don’t believe I’m wrong I don’t believe this person made this money I don’t believe this person I don’t even know if these are real people I don’t believe they they made this money either so anyways they say step one you access and you let the software create the content for you and you get paid um we’ll see that’s he’s yeah I don’t know it’s how does this stuff get allowed I don’t understand it but if we go down here and they say that the this is all lies here we tested it and then like made this money and made this money this this is like I don’t believe that at all I don’t believe these again these people who are these people where did they come from hi why do I have why do I have to do these reviews I hope you guys don’t believe these these income screenshots it really by now you shouldn’t um but anyways if you decide to purchase you get access to the software and everything which I said like I said it will create these like websites for you I’m gonna show you that in a second and there’s an upgrade here for some kind of a something I don’t know what it is like a upgraded uh 10 times faster payments to your account I don’t know how that works but anyways make sure you move your mouse away on the sales page uh discount will pop up here uh you make I make lessons in affiliate by showing you these discounts so please hit that like button I’m gonna go ahead and play a video explaining this a little bit more then I’ll come back show you the backend area and the otos and discounts hello welcome to this amazing video and in this video today I’m going to be showing you a powerful software called AI Google hacks AI Global ax is the world’s first artificial intelligence app that adds Google Aid in Lupo and pays us every time someone click without creating or promoting anything and yes there’s no skills or experience needed so in the next few steps I’m going to show you how you can create your own passive income sites where the power of AI so that you can get paid every time someone click on your site so now let’s get started so I’m going to log into my AI Google Apps accounts so once I’m inside I’ll go to manage site and click on create sites so once you click on create sites you need to give your passive income site and name so yeah I’m just going to say business yes and yeah I’m going to give it a name as well so it’s going to be the same name which is business gist and then you click on submit as you can see in one click your site has been created so now before we VIA website let’s add content to our site and also monetize it so I’m going to go to admin area so once you click on add me area then I’ll come to AI box then you give the name of the content you want to generate so yeah I’m just going to say business and then the type of keywords yeah I can say games crypto Finance athletes marketing so you enter as many keywords as possible that you want your content to be about so here you specify the number of keywords so yeah I’m just going to specify 5 10 you can specify the amount and then you select the language so this amazing app can generate contents in different languages so yeah I’m just going to select English and then you select the category so I’m going to select gaming and then the subcategory mobile gaming and then you can click on save you can always add more categories just go to the category sections here and add more categories and subcategories so once you’ve done that it will appear here so the next is just to hit the save button and that’s it guys you can see contents generated automatically that’s it in just a single click content is generated so the next thing we need to do is to add monetization to our website so just go to add spacing and select different places where you want to place your ads you can see the different places so once I select the location where I want to place my ad like I select the index now you can see the desktop view you see where you can put the ad the mobile view so here you can add different type of monetization it could be Google ads which is highly recommended it could be any other pay-per-click ads it could be table like it could be out print and it could be athletes products that you can have so here I’m just going to paste my Google AdSense code here and also here I’m going to paste it again so once I’m done I’m just going to click on the save button so once we publish our ads let’s view our site and let’s see how it looks like I’m just going to click here to view your size as you can see the Banners are there you can see the content in the banner as you can see it but now it’s everywhere so every time someone click on any of these ads you get picked so that is our AI Google glass works thank you okay so this is the back end area uh and they’ve got like in my JV account they’re showing that there’s traffic already but like I haven’t even done anything I don’t have any sites so I don’t know where that traffic’s coming from like if you look here I don’t have a list of any sites with this I made a test site but it’s just a blank site right now so they’ve got training and inside the training area they do have an area where they show 8 000 and 30 days with a Google Hack but if you watch this like it’s just they show that they made one of these sites but it’s just not enough for me I need to see more to believe it like this could be all edited here and like this says last seven days desktop 68 tablets three dollars and they so that so seventy dollars in the last seven days um and this one shows a thousand five hundred in the last seven days so I don’t know why that’s off but anyways just a little bit of red like red flags for me on this but anyways like I said it will create these little sites for you that will have that you can put in uh you can put content on and monetize it you can monetize it with AdSense or anywhere you want they do have multiple upgrades uh this I asked for this for the Oto sales Pages they didn’t give them to me but here’s what they look like uh you you as you go through the sales funnel there’s all these different upgrades that you’re going to get offered on each of them make sure that you move your mouse away you should get discounts so if you still after watching this you you want to get this because you want a site Creator like I under I could understand that like you might just want a Creator because it is very inexpensive but yeah just be aware that there are a lot of upgrades there okay so what do I like about this and what don’t I like about it if I say something that I don’t like about this I really don’t like the fake income proof I don’t like the fake testimonials I don’t like the fact that they’re telling you you’re going to make all this money really quickly uh I don’t believe it so I don’t like that what do I like about it if you’re looking for a very cheap way of making little affiliate websites and it has hosting and you don’t have to buy domain name and whatnot and it will create the content for you that check this out thank you so much for checking out my AI Google Hack review if you want to take a look at it go ahead and click that link below also please like this video it really helps out with my YouTube channel and I appreciate it and make sure you hit that subscribe button and Bell notification as always thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you again in my next video thanks